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Review: Dementium The Ward Remaster (PS5)

I have always had a strong love for horror games ever since the day I was a kid, watching my dad play a rented copy of Silent Hill on the ps1 at my grandmother’s house. My love for the genre continued when I picked up the ds port of the first Resident Evil when it…

Pathfinder: Gallowspire Survivors knocks it out of the park with a new entry in a thriving genre

The success of Vampire survivors has launched a slew of games that chase that high. While I am not quite sure what the overall genre is called, The Roguelike shoot em up has seen tremendous success and has even captured the heart of those who have no interest in games like this, including players like…

A cozy bundle to keep your eye on!

Usually I would branch off into a long and detailed tangent on how a game has completely changed my life but these next two titles are something completely different. They still offer that fun and engaging gameplay that I look for when checking out games and they are definetyl high up on my list of…

Review: Spells & Secrets

A magical experience that breathes some fresh air into the idea of mystical academies and dangerous monsters. The wizarding world has been dominated by one title in particular over these past few years and while there are a few good attempts to jump in on it, very few have managed to hold a candle to…


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